JBoss Community Archive (Read Only)


Installing the Eclipse Version

The Eclipse plugins for the Scribble tools can be loaded from an update site
using the update manager.

Select the Help->Install New Software... menu item, from
your Eclipse environment, and follow the instructions.

If installing a stable or development milestone release of the tools, then
the plugins can be installed directly from the network. If installing a nightly
build of the plugins, to access the latest (but unstable) version of the tools,
then it will be necessary to download the update site as an archive, and point
the Eclipse update manager at the downloaded zip file.

The location of the stable, development and nightly builds can be found on the
Scribble download page:

Once the Eclipse environment has restarted, and if the distribution has been downloaded
and expanded, then the next step is to import the samples into the Eclipse

This can be done by selecting the Import->General->Existing Projects into Workspace
and locating the samples folder from the Scribble

This will display the set of projects within the samples
folder, which can either be individually selected, or all imported at once.
Once imported, the Scribble Protocol files can be opened by double clicking
the file, to open the protocol context sensitive editor.

JBoss.org Content Archive (Read Only), exported from JBoss Community Documentation Editor at 2020-03-13 09:37:58 UTC, last content change 2011-05-24 08:38:25 UTC.